Sunday, May 31, 2009

What am I to do ..

What am I to do on a Sunday evening when I am jones-in for a long ride but don't have the time to get one in? Two things, eat to the point where Jenn starts calling me Phatty Phatty McMatty and write about riding of course. I can always tell when the miles are starting to rack up because I eat anything and everything I can get my hands on. Especially cookies, which is how I got the above nickname. Although, I do not think she says it with the "PH".

So Friday, I was able to sneak away for a couple of hours on the road and was able to squeeze in a quick 48 miles. I was in the mood to do some climbing so I planned to leave the house and do one of my favorite rides of all time, Cherokee to Old Gun. Once I got to Old Gun I decided to go up the steep side prior to turning around and going up the longer but not as steep side. I had the GPS on me which was cool since I now know how steep the climb really is. The steepest I saw was 20% near the top. Can you guess where on this profile the Old Gun climbs are?

And since this is officially the 101st post of nonsense, I think I am going to go celebrate by eating another handful of cookies. Shhh!!!! Too bad it is late and Jenn is sleeping or I would have one of these.

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