Thursday, January 20, 2011

Yes, it is the morning

Ah, one more morning in which I have been lucky enough to wake up to.  Although this morning didn't go as I had hoped when I planned out my week in my head the other day.  I was scheduled to work this morning and was going to ride home after.  Instead, I was asked if I would be willing to switch a shift today.  I thought about going all semi-amateur, nowhere near elite athlete with my response by saying "Why would I even consider the thought?  My training comes first and foremost.  I cannot miss the session."  But instead I just replied with a simple "Why not"

Now that means I will not be able to ride tonight as planned unless I ride into work this morning and then again home tonight.  Morning rides/workouts just don't sit well with me.  I would much rather be overly active until I puke later in the day.  That way when I just want to lay around feeling dizzy and asking myself why I always push myself to the limit, I won't feel bad.

This morning however, I am going to try and break that mentality just this once and put in a session on the trainer.  Thinking about doing the Uphill Grind once again.  Normally I do these workouts on the rollers but out of the saddle intervals can get a bit sketchy on the rollers.  The trainer will allow me to do these without paying attention.  Which also means, I can push myself just that much harder.  I just hope this doesn't ruin my motivation for the rest of the day.

 View from a Confederate Breastwork on the way to Snowshoe

Dusk from the back porch of the Company House where we stayed

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