Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tasting vomit

Wednesday and Thursday were a bit strange for me.  Wednesday, I had planned on getting some stuff done around the house and even find some time to ride outside.  Mother Nature being the big B that she is, threw a wrench into that plan with a day full of rain then sleet then snow back to sleet and then finally back to rain.  It didn't really matter anyhow because I was having a terrible time even staying awake.  A simple walk to the fridge seemed to really tax my energy stores.

Fearing I may be catching something I wanted to make sure I was well hydrated and started looking for some juice to drink.  We didn't have anything so I turned to the next best thing, Powerbar Endurance mix.  The rest of the day went like this; eat something, drink something, sleep, wake-up, pee, repeat.  All day long it was all I could do.  Thankfully, Thursday went a lot different as I felt like I had some energy, still didn't ride but at least I wasn't completely lethargic.

A quick look at the weather forecast for Friday had me once again optimistic I would be able to get outside and not have to ride the rollers.  With the morning sleet/rain storm which came through uninvited, I decided it would be a good rainy day project to organize the office closet.  Jenn and I have a bag for every athletic discipline we participate in which allows us to keep everything we need in separate bags.  We can then just grab the appropriate bag and go.  Very little searching for any gear has to take place. 

The problem lies in when you have so many bags and so little space to put them in.  The closest in the office has been a pretty good team player with all of the additional responsibility we have asked of it over the years.  It started off with just office type stuff in it.  Then came one bag, two bags, more bags and more random stuff.  Recently the closet started protesting the decision to hold more than just office stuff.  He didn't sign up for it he says and like any disgruntled prisoner who felt he had nowhere else to turn he started to fight with biological warfare.  Instead of throwing feces it just started to vomit on us each time we opened the door.

Tired of tasting last night's dinner each time I wanted to don my ruby red slippers, I took the morning to gut the closet and restore some order.  While doing so, I went ahead and made it aware his responsibilities have changed and he will now solely be responsible for keeping all of our bags neat and organized.  He tried to negotiate by asking for a "no random crap" clause but seeing how you aren't supposed to negotiate with terrorists, I made no promises.

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