Thursday, March 11, 2010

Not my fault...

Last week, I was finally able to find the time and desire to take down all of the outside Xmas decorations. It was admittedly way overdue. Some even blamed me for the harsh February weather saying it was my decorations which were confusing Motha Nature. They may have been correct but I put the blame on a certain friend/realtor who didn't send Santa's reindeer packing until about the same time last week. The combination of the two surely had Motha Nature's head spinning in a vortex. As soon as they came down, the weather got warmer. First into the 50's for a few days and then to the upper 60's and then the low 70's yesterday. Mid 60's looks to be the norm for the next 10 days as well.

I had yesterday off from work and was planning on doing a possible half century or something close to it. But instead I woke up with an itchin to finish cleaning up the front yard. I mowed the grass, filled in two flower beds with topsoil and cleaned out all the garden of the last of the crop from last summer. And just because it felt so much like Spring/Early Summer, I grilled two of the best hamburgers out on the deck last night.

I do not feel too bad for not riding yesterday, as I was still able to get exercise in while cleaning up the yard. My arms are quite upset with me this morning. On Monday and Tuesday I took advantage of the nice weather and rode home from work. I took a slightly less direct route this week in order to work in the climb up Old Gun Rd. I know both rides were good because I didn't think about them at all. I just sat my padded rear onto the broken tipped saddle and let my legs and lungs do the work. Sorry for no pictures but Rhythm(lungs) and Flo(Legs) had put out the "Do not disturb" sign as if they were getting it on while staying in a "Pay Per Hour" motel for the afternoon. I didn't interrupt and they just kept pumping it out.

Weather looks a bit damp for the next couple of days through the weekend. I may need to find time to get the cross bike over to PSP. But then again, I may just recon some new routes while staying dry inside the house.

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